FLCPF = LGBTI people’s Health

The Planned Parenthood Federation (Fédération Laïque de Centres de Planning Familial) starts a project aiming to welcome the LGBTI community in the Family Planning Centers.

This project is realized in collaboration with LGBTI organizations (Genres Pluriels, Ex-Aequo, Sida’SOS/Tels Quels), researchers (Observatoire du Sida & des Sexualités) and Plan F, our Family Planning Center’s partner.

The project follows the recommendation of the report « Health 4 LGBTI » (European Commission, 2017). The goals are to adapt the health services access and to create a non-heteronormative and non-binary therapeutic environment, who does not pathologize the lives and the bodies of LGBTI people.

This project contributes to:

  • Promote a better access for LGTBI people to the Family Planning Centres;
  • Enhance LGBTI people care by questioning the heteronormativity and cis-normativity in the medical, social and psychological practices of the Family Planning Centres.

Our actions are:

  1. Elaborating a training programme for the healthcare professionals of Family Planning Centres;
  2. Building a network between LGTBI organizations and Family Planning Centres
  3. Creating a web platform focused on LGBTI health
  4. Campaigning with new tools (pamphlet, guide of good practices)

Organizing a conference about health and sexual orientation and gender identity (in Brussels in 2019).

Website: www.planningfamilial.net